The aim of the myoelectric division is to design, develop and produce a myoelectric upper limb prosthetic.
I contributed to the design of the physical parts, with my key contributions being the palm component and the rotational wrist component.
Palm Component
I designed the palm component using the sculpt tool within Autodesk Fusion 360 to ensure an organic form could be achieved. The palm component had to fit the finger components as designed by another team member, and was printed largely hollow to allow the tension strings to pass through to the servos located at the forearm.

Wrist Component
After exploring the task from a human factors perspective, I deemed it of high importance that the hand component should be rotatable. This is to allow users flexibility in the angle of the palm to achieve different tasks.
Version 1 of the wrist component featured a manual pin to lock the angle. This was functional, however not ideal for the end users as they would have to remove and hold the pin, then reinsert to lock the position.
Version 2 solved this by incorporating a spring-loaded locking mechanism to ensure the user would easily be able to lock the hand at a range of angles with minimal effort.